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Tennis/Golfers Elbow

Tennis/Golfers Elbow

Tennis/Golfers Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that affects people, particularly those who engage in repetitive arm motions, such as playing tennis. However, it can also occur in individuals who perform activities that involve gripping and repetitive wrist movements. Tennis elbow affects people in several ways:

Pain and Discomfort: The primary symptom of tennis elbow is pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. This pain can range from mild to severe and is often aggravated by gripping objects, lifting, or even simple movements like turning a doorknob.

Limited Range of Motion: The pain and discomfort associated with tennis elbow can lead to a limited range of motion in the affected arm. This limitation can affect everyday activities, including reaching, lifting, and even typing.

Impact on Work and Activities: For individuals whose work involves repetitive arm movements or gripping activities, tennis elbow can significantly impact their ability to perform their job tasks. It can also hinder participation in recreational activities and hobbies.

Grip Weakness: Tennis elbow can lead to weakness in the muscles that control grip strength. This can make it difficult to hold objects firmly, leading to dropping items or difficulty in performing tasks that require gripping.

Sleep Disturbances: The pain from tennis elbow can worsen at night, making it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position. This can lead to disrupted sleep patterns and fatigue.

Emotional Impact: Chronic pain and functional limitations from tennis elbow can lead to emotional stress, frustration, and a sense of helplessness. The inability to perform everyday activities can affect one's mood and overall well-being.

Dependency on Pain Medications: To manage pain, individuals with tennis elbow might use over-the-counter pain relievers. While these can provide temporary relief, long-term use may raise concerns about dependency and potential side effects.

Disruption of Sports and Hobbies: For athletes and individuals who engage in sports or hobbies that involve arm movements, tennis elbow can force them to stop participating or reduce their activity level.

Strain on Relationships: The limitations imposed by tennis elbow can affect relationships, especially if a person is unable to participate in social activities or share responsibilities within the household.

Healthcare Utilization: Individuals with tennis elbow may seek medical attention, leading to increased healthcare utilization. This can involve visits to doctors, physical therapists, or specialists.

Muscle Imbalances: Tennis elbow can lead to muscle imbalances in the forearm, potentially affecting the alignment of the arm and contributing to ongoing pain. 

How Can We Help You?

Assessment and Diagnosis: Dr. Shemansky assesses factors like posture and alignment to accurately diagnose the condition.

Spinal and Joint Alignment: Aligning the spine and affected joints enhances nerve function and circulation, aiding healing.

Muscle Release Techniques: Muscle release techniques reduce tension and promote blood flow around the affected area.

Strengthening and Rehabilitation: Customized exercises strengthen muscles around the elbow joint, alleviating tendon pressure.

Posture Correction: Dr. Shemansky's guidance on posture reduces stress on the elbow joint.

Ergonomic Advice: Ergonomic adjustments minimize repetitive strain during daily activities.

Nutritional Support: Nutritional guidance supports natural healing by reducing inflammation and aiding tissue repair.